domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


The Pantheras oncas

 The Panthera onca is the largest feline of América. It is a robust and muscular animal. its weitghs ranges from 56 to 96 kg. However there are records of larger males which weights 158 kg,  and even the little ones can have a weight as low as 36 kg. Females tend to be 10-20% smaller than males. The length of this felid varies between 162 and 183 cm . His shoulder-height is about 67-76 cm.38 The head is large and with a prominent jaw, the eye color varies from  yellow  to a greenish yellow and ears are relatively small.

Its habitat extends from the south  of the state of Arizona in the southwestern United States through Central America to  the north of Argentina, including most of the Brazilian Amazon.

Like the other felids, is a carnivore, which feeds meat.Is a lonely hunter,  and their diet includes more than 80 species  as capybaras, tapirs, peccaries and deer.

The pantheras homes began to desappear especially by problems with farmers because pantheras kills their animals.

It is difficult to change the way of thinking of the people so  some protections programs are planning strategies that can help to protect the ecosystem of these species. One of these strategies is making conferences in schools, districs and companies to raise awareness and ensure the habitat of this animal.

1 comentario:

  1. gREAT WORK! A
    pantheras kill(s) their animals.
    the way of thinking of the people (THE WAY PEOPLE THINK)
