Lengua Oral:
- comprender textos orales con vocabulario y estructuras graduales y comunicarse oralmente con textos coherentes y apropiados a distintas situaciones comunicativas con fluidez y precisión y reflexionar sobre los mismos.
- Detectar errores y corregirlos
- Tomar conciencia de las estrategias de aprendizaje de la lengua oral y elegir las más apropiadas a cada situación.
- Leer historias y poder contarlas
- Relacionar las historias entre si
Lengua Escrita:
- comprender textos escritos y su organización.
- Producir textos escritos variados, coherentes, y apropiados a la situación comunicativa, con un razonable grado de fluidez y corrección y haciendo uso de diferentes estrategias, estructuras y vocabulario específico.
- Detectar errores y corregirlos.
- Monitorear la propia producción.
- Acceder a una lectura autónoma con diferentes recursos literarios.
- El desarrollo de la curiosidad y sensibilidad hacia los comportamientos socio culturales de las comunidades de habla inglesa.
- Valorar el esfuerzo personal y el trabajo en equipo.
- Valoración de la importancia del aprendizaje permanente.
- Lograr el desarrollo personal del alumno.
- Autonomía, creatividad y perseverancia en el planteo y la búsqueda de soluciones a problemas y en el diseño y concreción de proyectos.
- Responsabilidad y cuidado en el uso del material y equipamiento que se emplea en el aprendizaje.
- Desarrollar una actitud solidaria y cooperativa hacia los demás.
- Disposición a participar en proyectos grupales, institucionales y comunitarios que tienden al bien común.
- Valoración de la identidad y cultura nacionales, regionales y locales y reconocimiento y valoración de otras culturas.
- Valoración de la lengua en todos sus aspectos.
- Desarrollo de una actitud crítica y reflexiva.
- Desarrollar compromiso y responsabilidad de cada alumno en su formación.
- Desarrollar la confianza en las posibilidades de resolver situaciones linguísticas y comunicativas.
- Respetar las producciones de sus pares.
- Valorar el intercambio de ideas como fuente de aprendizaje.
- Sistematizar la búsqueda y proceso de información ( análisis, tablas, gráficos, clasificaciones )
- Sistematizar la comunicación de información ( elaboración de informes, exposiciones, puestas en común, debates, etc )
- Desarrollar la comprensión oral en situaciones comunicativas con lenguaje graduado.
- Descubrir principios básicos del aprendizaje: relaciones, asociaciones, estrategias de retención, etc.
- Asociar la representación escrita del lenguaje y su pronunciación.
- Desarrollar la capacidad de expresarse oralmente y de escribir en forma coherente y fluida.
- Desarrollar la habilidad para preguntar y responder.
- Desarrollar la capacidad de memorizar.
- Representa y dramatizar diálogos.
- Describir personas, animales ,lugares, objetos, etc.
- Dar opinión.
- Comparar datos.
- Ordenar secuencias de información.
- Aprender a organizarse para el aprendizaje de determinados aspectos linguísticos: vocabulario, ortografía, pronunciación, etc.
- Autoevaluar las actuaciones en clase.
- Resolver dificultades de forma cooperativa, por parejas o grupos.
- Respetar los turnos de participación oral.
EJE 1 ENGLISH RESULT ELEMENTARY UNIDADES Nº 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 ( 12.03 al 17.05 )
GRAMMAR personal pronouns; possessive adjectives; present simple of be; imperatives; possessive ‘s; demonstrative pronouns; adjectives; a / an; prepositions of time and place; article the; plurals; present simple; adverbs of frequency; object pronouns; order of adjectives; have got; countable and uncountable; some and any; there is; there are; much, many, a lot of; suggestions; can, can’t; adverbs; like; present continuous; present simple and present continuous.
VOCABULARY greeting phrases; letters and numbers; e mail and web addresses; parts of an address; polite words and phrases; the classroom; days of the week; family; people; jobs; numbers and time; places; countries and nationalities; languages; things and places in town; phrases describing language ability; signs; responses to news; months and dates; ordinal numbers; morning habits; phrases to introduce people; adjectives describing colour, shape, age; office supplies; shopping phrases; gifts; food and drink; prices; supermarkets; offering phrases; leisure activities; weather; abilities; likes and dislikes; social phrases; family; clothes; action verbs.
READING scanning signs and labels for specific information; scanning dialogues for specific information; scanning a form for specific information; scanning a timetable for specific information; for gist and specific information in short descriptions; scanning and understanding detail in a dialogue; for detail in signs and symbols on a map; scanning a description for specific information; scanning a dialogue for specific information; for detail in a description; for detail in sings and notices; scanning titles and notes for specific information; understanding detail in short puzzles; for detail in quiz questions and answers; for gist and specific information in a dialogue; scanning a description for specific information; using background information to understand a catalogue; scanning a poem for specific information; for gist and detail in short explanations; for gist and detail in a dialogue; for detail in a description; for gist and specific information in a magazine article; scanning for detail in a poem; understanding detail in a dialogue; for gist and specific information in a description; for gist in song lyrics; scanning a film review for specific information.
LISTENING listening for specific information in a conversation; for key words in a conversation; for detail in short phrases; for detail in short conversations; for detail in quiz game questions; for detail in short descriptions; for detail in an interview; for detail in a conversation; for key words in an interview; for key words and specific information in a description; for detail in short phrases; for gist and detail in shopping situations; for detail in a restaurant situation; for specific information in a song; for key words in quiz questions; for gist and key words in a conversation.
SPEAKING asking for and giving spelling to help understanding; using polite words and phrases; asking questions for clarification; showing interest by asking questions; describing people; talking about the time; asking for information; talking about countries; talking about language skills; responding to questions with informative answers; describing habits; frequency; introducing people; describing people and objects; shopping situations; asking about prices; ordering food; talking about food; offering things; returning questions to keep a conversation going; talking about free time activities; talking about the weather; describing abilities; talking about likes and dislikes; talking about clothes; describing actions.
WRITING personal information; personal information in a form; capital letters; a message of introduction; ; proof reading for punctuation; following a plan to write a description; reviewing wrong words; building sentences with and and but; finding and copying words and phrases to complete a table; using notes to write a description; reviewing full stops and capital letters; filling in personal information in a table; using notes to write a poem; reviewing word order and spelling; phrase building with or and with; reviewing content and spelling; connecting information in sentences using also; text cohesion; thinking about content before writing.
GRAMMAR past simple of be; past simple regular and irregular verbs; wh- questions; too and enough; too much / many; not enough; comparatives; superlatives; present continuous future; going to; possessive ‘s; present simple; be and do in questions; grammar in the dictionary; adjective order; comparative and superlative adjectives; past simple.
VOCABULARY transport; instruction phrases; places in town; directions; adjectives; holidays; careers; years; education; accommodation; rooms and furniture; signs; times of the day; the body; health; lifestyle; family; parts of names; documents and personal details; question pronouns; definition words; tourist attractions; fact and opinion adjectives; weather; souvenirs, countries and regions.
READING for detail in directions; scanning an e mail for specific information; understanding detail in a questionnaire; scanning song lyrics for specific information; for detail in a postcard; scanning receipts and tickets for specific information; for gist and specific information in a dialogue; for detail in short narratives; using background information; scanning a biography for specific information; for gist and specific information in holiday advertisements; for gist and specific information in a poem; scanning a catalogue for specific information; understanding detail in instructions; for detail in signs and notices; for gist and specific information in a website article; for gist and specific information in a dialogue; for key word information in a leaflet; scanning thank- you letters for specific information; using background knowledge; gist and detail in short texts; a sketch for gist and detail; dictionary entries for detail; responding to a quiz; an explanation for general meaning and detail; scanning a tourist brochure for specific information; for detail in a cartoon dialogue; a magazine article for gist and specific information; a postcard for detail; for detail in an e mail description.
LISTENING listening for detail and specific information in directions; for key information in an interview; for gist and key words in a narrative; for specific information in an interview; for key facts in an interview; for key facts in descriptions; for gist and specific information in a conversation; for key words and detail in short telephone conversations; for key words in an informal dialogue; for specific information in a short monologue and in an explanation; to a short conversation for gist and specific information; for detail and opinion in a short description; for key words in a conversation.
SPEAKING echoing to check information; retelling a short narrative; giving informative answers and asking follow-up questions to keep a conversation going; describing a holiday; talking about a career; talking about the past; talking about life stories; making suggestions; saying what’s wrong; comparing things; understanding opinions; making appointments; saying how you feel; talking about future arrangements; talking about intentions; using spelling to clarify; explaining what words mean; giving and understanding personal details; asking questions about people; talking about vocabulary; describing places, comparing the weather in different places; talking about personal things.
WRITING thinking about a reader’s expectations to generate ideas; greetings and closings in a postcard; using notes to write a postcard; organizing ideas to write a biography; using notes to write a biography; organizing ideas to write instructions; capital letters and punctuation; thinking about content before writing a thank-you letter; using notes to write a short explanation and a description.
EJE 3 ENGLISH RESULT PRE INTERMEDIATE UNIDADES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ( 13.08 al 04.10 )
GRAMMAR like doing; would like to do; ability can, can’t, could, couldn’t; could ( possibility ) going to for predictions; can / could ( requests ); present perfect for recent events; present perfect with ever; past simple; adverbs of degree; will ( promises and offers ); phrasal verbs with on and off; must; mustn’t ; have to; don’t have to; past continuous; defining relative clauses; can / can’t ( permission ); because; so; possessive pronouns; present passive; will (predictions ) first conditional.
VOCABULARY adventure sports; abilities; types of story; films; hotel words and phrases; accidents at home; things around the house; clothes; favours; shopping phrases; telephone phrases; on the road; bank and post office; using a dictionary; job conditions; jobs; workplaces and tools; apology phrases; material and shape; e mail.
READING guessing word meaning in a personality test; predict content from pictures; gist and detail in a magazine article; for detail in a poem; guessing meaning using background knowledge and pictures; e mails for gist and detail; for specific information in a short dialogue; using visuals to understand the main point; detail in a dialogue; a questionnaire for gist; deducing meaning from context; inferring a writer’s aim from content; for gist and detail in an advertising leaflet; a news article for gist and detail; commenting on content of tourist information leaflet; short dialogues for gist and detail; using visuals to understand short quiz questions; for gist and detail in short newspaper stories; using visual to predict content; for detail in short paragraphs; sequencing events in a narrative; detail in job adverts; for gist in captions; for gist and detail in a sketch; following ideas across sentences; using headings to understand a newspaper article; deducing meaning; following logical order in a description of a process; for gist and detail in short newspaper texts; interpreting writer’s purpose in an e mail; an e mail for gist and detail.
LISTENING following a conversation; listening for detail in a conversation; for key words in short conversations; for gist and detail in a phone conversation; for key words and detail in s dialogue; using background knowledge to predict content; for gist and detail in short phone conversations; guessing content; for specific information in a radio interview; for key words in short explanations; for detail in a monologue; for the main points in a description.
SPEAKING talking about likes and dislikes; abilities; suggesting what to do; about what’s going to happen; asking for things in a hotel; saying what’s happened; saying what you’ve done; talking about experiences; taking control of the topic in a short conversation; managing a conversation; talking about clothes; making promises and offers; asking for things in shops; talking about rules; talking on the phone; talking about obligations; telling a story; saying what was happening; managing turn taking; asking for meaning of unknown vocabulary; having a conversation about work; explaining what you mean; describing a typical day; apologizing and responding to apologies; describing things; making predictions; talking about the results of future actions.
WRITING an invitation; a thank you note; understanding a reader’s expectations; tips for visitors from abroad; thinking about the reader; topically-connected information in a paragraph; an insurance claim; planning and reviewing content; joining sentences with when; a job description; making notes for a first draft of an article; improving a first draft by adding reasons with because and so; a message of apology; organizing greetings; content and closings; reviewing style.
EJE 4 ENGLISH RESULT PRE INTERMEDIATE UNIDADES 9, 10, 11, 12 ( 09.10 al 29.11 )
GRAMMAR countables and uncountables; quantifiers; should; must; present perfect with yet, just and already; present perfect with for and since; used to; action or state verbs; verb + infinitive ( with to ); past passive; gerund and infinitive; indefinite pronouns; adverbs; future forms; second conditional.
VOCABULARY prepared food; cooking; sequencers; verbs phrases with make, do and have; places; journey times; air travel; prepositions of direction; symptoms of illness; verbs for giving ideas; the face; polite requests; festivals and celebrations; going out phrases.
READING identifying text type and understanding detail in a quiz; using background knowledge to sequence recipe instructions; an article for gist; guessing unknown words; scanning for specific information; a holiday brochure for gist and detail; signs for detail; a dialogue for gist and detail; inferring information about the reader and writer; following a sequence of events in a complaint email; thinking about context; reading for detail in short exchanges; using visuals to understand gist and detail in short descriptions; for detail in a sketch; for detail and to deduce vocabulary in a song; following an email conversation.
LISTENING for gist and detail in a conversation; for key words in a recipe; for detail in a radio interview; predicting content in an interview; listening to a conversation for gist; listening and understanding directions; to a radio advert for detail; for key words in short descriptions; listening to a sketch for detail; predicting content; detail in a conversation; following a conversation; detail in an explanation.
SPEAKING sequencing instructions; explaining how to cook something; giving lifestyle advice; talking about table manners; talking about stages of a journey; keeping a conversation going; describing a route; describing symptoms; saying how people appear; giving your ideas; saying something was done; asking people to do things; describing a festival; accepting and refusing invitations, taking about imagined situations.
WRITING a food and drink guide for visitors; using and reviewing punctuation; brainstorming ideas; following and reviewing letter structure; a letter to a holiday friend; a complaint; thinking about content before writing; reviewing for clarity; an email conversation; using informal style in an email.
EVALUACION Se realizarán tres parciales, todos ellos con recuperatorio, evaluando en el primero solo áreas escritas y en los restantes tanto área oral como escritas.
Cada una o dos unidades se realizará un práctico, algunos orales y otros escritos, en grupo, en pares o individuales.
- todos los parciales aprobados con más de 60%, todos ellos con recuperatorio.
- 80% de prácticos aprobados con más de 60% y 100% realizados y / o presentados. De encontrarse ausente el profesor decidirá, teniendo en cuenta el concepto del alumno, si podrá recuperarlo o no.
- 60% de asistencia a horas de clase. Las inasistencias se justifican sólo con certificado médico, de trabajo y / o familiares, pero las mismas se recuperarán con trabajos prácticos asignados por el profesor.
- 80% de tareas presentadas y aprobadas con más de 60%
- todos los módulos incluyen material extra de lectura y audio
- Annie Mc Donald & Mark Hancock English Result Elementary libro y cartilla
- Annie Mc Donald & Mark Hancock English Result Pre Intermediate libro y cartilla
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